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Toefl Home Edition Test In Nigeria-How To Take Toefl Home Edition

Toefl Home Edition Test In Nigeria-How To Take Toefl Home Edition

Toefl Home Edition Test In Nigeria-How To Take Toefl Home Edition

Toefl Home Edition Test In Nigeria-How To Take Toefl Home Edition. The world is changing rapidly due to the pandemic, and it is believed that anything that is constant is change. Creative ideas, working from home is becoming the culture of the day. If the world seems to be evolving, moving with the trend and achieving that goal is possible. Possibility is the key to life and with Excellence Education Travels and Tours things are almost possible. We introduce to you “The TOEFL Special Home Edition” which is now made easy.

Excellence Education Travels and Tours is bringing you good news and legit information on how you can write your TOEFL test right from the comfort of your home without stress or struggling to catch a bus to meet up with time. Can I still write TOEFL test considering the world situation? A very big YES! You can be in any part of the world and get your test done effortlessly with us.

The TOEFL Home Option is initiated and designed for students who are willing to achieve their goal of taking the test this 2020 or were unable to take the test due to the pandemic while test centers are closed. It seeks to ensure safety and a convenient environment. The layout and content are same as the one taking at test centers where you would be able to view your reading and listening scores after the completion of your test but however you will be monitored by human proctor who is designed to observe your every move during the test. All you need to make the TOEFL home option possible is your computer or laptop. Isn’t that interesting?

We at Excellence Education Travels and Tours knows how new and unimaginable this is to you and because we can almost read your mind, we have been able to come up with some frequently asked questions and answers to ease up the tension and make you feel safe.

  • Question: Is it possible to write the test from anywhere in the world?
  • Answer: Yes. It is taken anywhere TOEFL ibt testing is normally available.
  • Question: Can I write the test in any environment?
  • Answer: A very big NO! It has to be a home environment with your desktop computer or laptop with a windows operating system and workable with any device using IOS operating system.
  • Question: Can I write the test lying down or in a relaxed position?
  • Answer: No, it can only be taken with a good sitting position at a table in a bright, quiet and acceptable environment for the test with only you in it to avoid noise or distraction upon commencement of the test.
  • Question: Can I write the test in a cybercafé, library or public space?
  • Answer: Oh No! As the name implies “Home edition”. It can only be written from the comfort of your home.
  • Question: Can I note take before the test?
  • Answer: Yes, you can but however it requires you having a little whiteboard and erasable marker which will be erased during the test.
  • Question: Is headset allowed to take the test at home?
  • Answer: No! You are only allowed to use an internal or external speaker and a microphone for security consciousness.
  • Question: Can I be allowed to take a break or pause during test?
  • Answer: You can visit the website for information as regards that aspect.
  • Question: Can I be monitored during the test?
  • Answer: Oh yes! You and your laptop/computer will be monitored by the proctor and if it detects cheating or any unauthorized object like phone then the proctor will invalidate your test. It’s advisable to play safe to avoid your test being invalid.
  • Question: What can I do if I get disconnected or if something goes wrong during the test?
  • Answer: Be calm and reach out to customer service person. They will connect you to a test taker advocate who will help rectify the issue.
  • Question: Is there multiple scheduling and rescheduling of test date?
  • Answer: Obviously there is. Visit our website www.excellencetravels.com and check the official website to be updated.
  • Question: Would there be numerous test times each week?
  • Answer: Yes. Also visit our website and ETS website for more update as regards the testing location and time.

Do’s and Don’ts of Writing the Test.

As much as you can write from the comfort of your home; there are rules guiding the test process. Follow rules strictly.

  1. Use a desktop or laptop windows operating system version 7, 8 or 10.
  2. Have an ETS account and Proctor U.
  3. Mac computer is allowed with windows installed.
  4. Chrome or Firefox browser is allowed.
  5. Download and install the ETS test browser on the computer you want to use for the test.
  6. Earphones or headset is not allowed.
  7. Use Internal and external speaker to aid you in hearing the proctor.
  8. Use Internal or external microphone that is not part of a headset to help you communicate to the proctor.
  9. A built-in camera or separate webcam to enable you to move and enable proctor to view room at 360 degrees.
  10. The test taker must be alone in the room.
  11. Table should be cleared of unapproved items during the test.
  12. Dress appropriately.
  13. Ears must be free from all adorning and remain visible all through the test.
  14. Ensure your primary ID card (passport) is with you.
  15. You must meet up with the technological and environmental requirement of the test.

EETT can help your goal and dream of writing TOEFL from your home achievable. We help with your ETS account creation, select a suitable test date and time convenient for you and help with tips that will prepare you confidently for the test. We have our expert teachers to drill you before taking the test at home to guarantee you success before the scheduled test date. To register and get all necessary information with the Toefl Special Home Edition Test-How To Take Toefl Special Home Edition, you can visit our website www.excellencetravels.com for more information. You can also visit any of our offices to get all the assistance you need to aid the registration process.

NOTE: You are to log into your proctor U account at your scheduled time. You will be given 15 minutes after your scheduled time to begin your check in. If for any circumstance you have not checked in by the scheduled time, your test would be cancelled, and you will not be refunded your fee. Please be cautioned to avoid this from happening.


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